Stand Alone Sermons
These are sermons that throughout the year are not part of any particular sermon series, but rather are stand alone sermons.
In this series we will walk through the Book of Exodus and how God created a people for Himself and how they were meant to walk with Him as covenant people.
These are sermons that throughout the year are not part of any particular sermon series, but rather are stand alone sermons.
In this new sermon series we will be looking at the book of 1 Corinthians, Paul's pastoral letter to a church that needed encouragement, correction, and guidance.
The book of James is a letter written by the brother of Jesus, pastor of the Jerusalem church, to a group of Christians that were spread throughout the land. James' primary theme is living out one's faith, being a doer and not just a hearer of the word. Join us as we unpack this letter.
This new series is based off of the book "I Will" written by Thom Rainer. The series covers the topic of taking church members from being consumers to active participants in what God is doing in our world! We will look at 4 I Will statements that each church member is called to live by and live out.
In this new series we will be looking at the Book of Colossians verses at a time. The overall theme of Colossians is that Christ is Lord over all creation, including the invisible realm. That He has secured redemption for His people, enabling them to participate with Him in His death, resurrection, and fullness. We are excited to look into this text and grow in our love & knowledge of Christ.
We all go through "winters" in life. Despite those difficult circumstances, we can be sure of one thing -- God's love.
There were 3700 churches that closed their doors in 2014! Each church has a life cycle, a birth and death, but with God's direction an established church can see new life again. In this series we will be looking at what leads to the death of a church, based off the book Autopsy by Thom Rainer and find ways to breath new life and keep the church alive!