Weekly Wednesday Devotional
This is our weekly video devotional on Wednesdays during this season that we are not able to gather!
In this series we will walk through the Book of Exodus and how God created a people for Himself and how they were meant to walk with Him as covenant people.
This is our weekly video devotional on Wednesdays during this season that we are not able to gather!
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Listen in to this new sermon series as we look to the famous sermon of Jesus called the 'Sermon on the Mount' found in Matthew 5-7. Each week we look the different instructions Jesus gave to His disciples for Christian living.
In this series we will look at the writings of Simon Peter as he encourages the body of Christ while enduring suffering and persecution.
In this series we will look at the timeless wisdom from the mind of Solomon as he instructs the young person to live in a godly manner and to keep away from folly.
In this series we will be looking at the second letter addressed to Timothy and the instruction for the church today and for the life of the disciple of Jesus.
Join us as we look at the Pastoral Epistles written to Timothy and Titus from the Apostle Paul. We will be studying these books verse by verse and be encouraged by the words of Paul to these pastors to stand on sound doctrine, rebuke false teaching, and to keep the faith!
In this series we will be looking at the Baptist Faith & Message, our founding statement of belief as a church. The doctrine of a church is critically important and is beneficial to church unity, edification, and purpose. We hope this will be an informative and foundational series as we look closely to what we believe.
In this new sermon series we are going to walk through the Gospel of John verse by verse. The overall theme of John is the divinity of Jesus, and how is the Son of God, the second person of the Trinity. Join us each Sunday as we study a text that was written by one of the original disciples of Jesus.
In this series, we will be looking at Spiritual Disciplines, and how these cultivate in us Christlikeness. Join us as we spend a few weeks looking at the foundational disciplines that the Holy Spirit uses to transform us from the inside out.